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Last week we met with the authorities of the Jesus Maria School in Montevideo, Uruguay.
At the meeting we shared the initiative taken by the authorities to include the use of technological devices in the early stages.
The project of ICTs inclusion on 5 years old children is just the beginning for this pioneer institution when it comes to taking action towards improvement and differentiation in education.
For this project they chose our education & entertainment device, TABI. The result is that children show a high degree of acceptance but also being a very useful teaching tool, since it does not attempt to replace theteacher in the classroom, but also enhance the knowledge of children, providing a tool for teachers.
The digital era that promoted the concept of "digital natives" makes essential the incorporation of technologie educational settings from early age.
For more information
El Blog Teacher to Teacher es parte del Proyecto TABI
Following the design and innovation motto, Eurocase launched CrossCam PRO