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Technology can positively transform the lives of people and improve the processes of teachingchildren, according to Jason Ohler, Emeritus Professor of Educational Technology program at the University of Alaska.
Ohler spent his last 30 years to understand the impact of the digital age and today is a kind ofguru and mentor of education through new technologies.
In that role, he was a speaker at EdukaTIC 2014, an annual event gathering, in Colombia,successful experiences in the use of ICT in the classroom, where he gave keys to parents and teachers. He answered the following questions:
What is digital citizenship?
It consists in teaching students to live lifestyles that are exciting and inspiring but at the sametime, safe and responsible. The main change we face is that we are entering an era in which the parents did not come to know where their children are, because it's easy to go online and hide orhave multiple identities.
What is the role of parents?
The best you can do is have a good relationship with their children to tell them what you are doing. The way to do is not ask directly, but on more general things, like, for example, why they think people use sites like Facebook to see or hear what bothered Internet.
What encourages adults to children to have a digital presence responsible?
What I do not recommend: try to keep the children hidden. While we try to hide them, others will want to put them on the net. The point is intentionally managing online identity. In my perfect world, students are thinking all the time about how they are playing on the internet wondering how the world is going to see them.
How is done?
What I suggest is to always act with this intent. For example, teachers inculcate students to imagine their life as a movie that others will see; The more developed and more relevant is this,much better, because there will always be an audience watching and we can use it to our advantage.
What alternatives are there to deal with cyberbullying?
One of the activities I have implemented is called "You're in charge". Involves telling students that they make up the governing board of the school and they will decide how to handle scenarios such as cyberbullying. The boys come up with great ideas and are the only people I've heard that we should help the bully because "you must be having some sort of problem." We need to get young people to think and provide channels for reporting harassment.
¿Do you think that the solution to the problem from the schools should leave??
What we need is a program I have called character education, it becomes part of the culture of the school and it is geared very intentionally driving aspects of the digital lifestyle. We need to give children the opportunity to take your digital life in a positive way, with our help.
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