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Technological advances improve the conditions of blind children
ICT and adaptive technologies are currently the most important resource to access information for people with visual disabilities and for read and write independently.
The development achieved by information technology is essential for blinds or children with visual difficulties to achieve a better adaptation in the classroom and reach their full learning potential, thanks to specific configurations, extension programs and special devices.
People with low vision have different options for setting the screen so that text and icons get bigger, that colors vary according to their needs and use the maximum contrast between the font and background.
They can also use screen magnifiers that work as magnifiers, increasing or decreasing the magnification on the entire screen or parts of it. Even operating systems incorporate accessibility options that provide good answers to the challenge of universal design.
At the same time, efforts are multiplied to achieve independence in this community of learners about handling materials and study proposals.
In Curitiba, Brazil, F123.org developed a software package of low-cost, including operating system, applications and assistive technology to provide greater access to technology, education and the labor market visually impaired.
"This project provides all the necessary software, including operating system, applications, and screen reader or virtual keyboard, a USB pendrive. A small change in the BIOS boot sequence from any computer allows the person to manage information without installing anything on the internal disk of the machine, "explain the developers.
Meanwhile, Colombian engineers developed a technological device called IRIS that, connected to a computer, allows to learn colors, basic images through touch, and mathematical and geometric concepts.
"The IRIS® system has a hardware device in which students can put their hands and identify by vibration shapes and colors. In turn, the program includes a database of hundreds of images that allow teachers to teach educational content that students visually impaired are usually provided in class, "explains co-creator John Guerra.
In Argentina, there are several projects development aimed to provide new technologies to teachers and students, who won the National Innovation Competition - INNOVAR 2014.
One of them is called Brailec, created by college students, and is a didactic and interactive device to help the teaching of Braille code for blind children, with immediate responses to sound manipulation child.
Another one is Spectraltec a multipurpose access platform, which consists of several units according to the needs.
Its inventor, Ezekiel Pawelko, points out that "consists of a central processing unit; a low vision module composed of electronic eyeglasses, camcorders and lenses adapted; a module of visual sensory substitution for the blind; and commercial peripherals such as video magnifiers or CCTV. The final product is intended to be a standard system to which third parties can add apps, peripherals and rehabilitation services and accessibility ".
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Following the design and innovation motto, Eurocase launched CrossCam PRO