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Now, the kids that play and learn with TABI have “Sort and recycle”, the new app especially developed to join them in their motivation for taking care of the planet.
In addition to the 40 default apps installed in Eurocase’s educational device, comes this entertainment which invites children to come in contact and take conscience of the benefits of preserving the natural and social environment.
Simulating different sceneries (school, home, neighborhood, city, beach, fabric, river), the children can sort the many types of residues, acquainted with the recycling process and develop positive attitudes of environmental education, achieving medals with each step.
The game offers diverse levels of complexity and was designed by a multidisciplinary team in order to be used by both parents and their children, and particularly to offer the teachers an interactive backing with which they can teach developing abilities destined to prevent pollution and preserving biodiversity to their students.
With this purpose, “sort and recycle” comes with an orientative practical guide with ideas, suggestions and activities to approach the environmental issues in the classroom using the TABI app and articulating it with other didactical activities.
Placing the children in the roles of detectives, journalists and artists, the game seeks to develop abilities such as active exploration, systematic observation, classification, comparison and contrast, counting, fine motor activities and location. Among the pedagogical objectives, “sort and recycle” enables:
This way, TABI continues its mission of complementing the learning process of the digital natives with the tool they know best: technology.
El Blog Teacher to Teacher es parte del Proyecto TABI
Following the design and innovation motto, Eurocase launched CrossCam PRO